January 21, 2016

For the past several months I've been one of 3 Animation Leads on what I am only allowed to describe as, "...an unannounced Easter special for a multi award-winning property to be released on Fox in March 2016". I can't wait to share more information about our show, but like everything else I've done in the past couple of years, it is very NDA!
I had an absolute ball working at
Arc Productions. The project and my team were top-of-the-line. My experience at Arc could not have been better. Arc does high-end animation for Walt Disney Co, DreamWorks Animation, Nickelodeon, Fox, Blue Sky Studios, Lego, Mattel and more. The company has grown quickly to over 500 strong. Here's the wall new hires all get to sign when they join...

....and the lobby of the beautiful new building Arc will be moving very soon.