Feb 28, 2013

This week I had a chance to attend the 1st anniversary of Toons On Tap costumed gesture drawing. This week's theme: Film Noir with models extraordinaire Sion Irwin-Childs and Charlie Quinn. The evening was fantastic though my drawings.. welllll...a work in progress! I have some new priority items on my 'learn to draw' list:
1) men's hats
2) women's shoes
3) guns
Wow, I have zero practice at drawing weapons! I suppose I just don't think about them at all, which I think is a good thing. :D But it would probably be a good idea to draw a few just to understand better how to draw them. (BTW - the dude at the bottom is holding an old-timey phone, not a gun!).

Thanks, Toons On Tap for another fun evening of great models, great tunes, and super fun drawing.